• 100% natural ingredients.
  • Vegan friendly
  • Pain relief from clove oil – pretty clever eh?
  • Vegetable glycerine and Egyptian geranium oil absorbs to lower dermis, all the way in to really help repair your damaged skin.
  • Antiseptic and anti-bacterial with tea tree oil to make growing diseases in your shorts much less likely.
  • PET recyclable containers (you can make fleece jackets out of them)
  • Tested in the most demanding conditions… in my shorts, on @rseholes and not on animals.
  • Vegan as hell.
  • Female friendly, it won’t make your girly bits zing.
  • Does NOT repel sharks or polar bears.
  • 100ml jar goes a very long way, around 7,000 miles.
  • Made by two great people in their kitchen on the Dorset coast.